UN Development Goals
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, the United Nations published a list of 17 sustainable development goals to achieve by 2030. The goals were created with hopes of achieving a better and more sustainable future to all. They address global challenges such as climate, health, poverty and inequality. Baby & Mom Mobile Clinics (BAM) is using these goals as a guide. Out actions and projects are geared towards achieving these goals, especially Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being.
Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being
Ensuring healthy lives and well-being will help promote a prosperous and sustainable society. Healthcare has made great strides in recent years, but there are still significant challenges, mostly in underdeveloped regions. Women and children suffer most from these challenges. Over 6 million children die every year before their fifth birthday and only half of the women in this world have access to the healthcare they need.
BAM's Role
To achieve this goal by 2030, everyone needs to participate. BAM is doing its part by working to improve the health of women and children in Ghana. BAM strives for healthcare equality. BAM hopes to lower the childhood mortality rate by providing free vaccines in rural areas and offer free healthcare to children who may not otherwise have access. BAM is also working towards ensuring that every women gives birth with a trained medical professional present. With proper prenatal care and a safe place to deliver, women and their children will be set up for a successful future.
More information on the UN Sustainable Development Goals can be found at: