Past Projects
Anhwiam Asiluma Community Outreach
February 2019: BAM partnered with Ghana Health Service to provide free healthcare to the Anhwiam community in Asikuma, Ghana. In this district, 1/5 children will not survive to adulthood. Patients were provided with free medical testing, physician consults and treatment. Patients were tested for malaria, hypertension, anemia, high blood glucose levels and urine screenings. During this outreach:
336 patients seen including 21 pregnant women and 31 children under the age of 5
107 patients were diagnosed and treated for malaria
22 patients were referred to a higher level of care for treatment.

Benin Asikuma Community Outreach
February 2019: BAM partnered with Ghana Health Services to provide free healthcare to the Anhwiam community in Asikuma, Ghana. In this district, 1/5 children will not survive to adulthood. Patients were provided free medical testing, physician consults, and treatment. Patients were provided with free medical testing, physician consults and treatment. Patients were tested for malaria, hypertension, anemia, high blood glucose levels and urine screenings. During this outreach:
612 patients seen including 12 pregnant women and 27 children under the age of 5
121 patients were diagnosed and treated for malaria
26 patients were referred to a higher level of care for treatment.
Our Lady of Grace Hospital Baby Isolette Donation
March 2019: Our Lady of Grace Hospital in Asikuma, Ghana, has a special care nursery that provides care to babies born up to three months premature. The unit had one isolette for all its premature babies. The isolette had three babies in it and the door was not able to close. The isolette is suppose to keep the premature babies warm and safe from germs. When the door doesn't close, the isolette cannot serve its purpose. The new isolette has allowed the hospital to not only care for more premature and sick babies, but also provides these babies with a better chance of survival.

Elmina Polyclinic Safe Delivery Kits Donation
October 2019: BAM partnered with Project C.U.R.E. to provide 100 Safe Delivery Kits intended to provide women with the safest possible birth if they are unable to give birth in a medical facility. Each kit included a sterile razor and sterile gloves, soap, absorbable underpads, infant socks and hat, reusable diapers, a bulb syringe and feminine pads. The bags were donated to the Elmina Polyclinic in the Central Region of Ghana and were distributed to more rural communities in the district where home births were more common.
Cape Coast Teaching Hospital Pediatric Ward Donation
October 2019: BAM sponsored care for multiple sick children in the pediatric ward at Cape Coast Teaching Hospital in Cape Coast, Ghana. These children included Kofi who is a 7 year old boy weighing only 22 pounds. He was extremely malnourished due to an oral abscess. Funding also went to a set of 22 month old triples who are part of the hospital's malnourishment recovery program. All three kids were admitted previously, very sick, with pneumonia, malaria and malnourishment. They have since recovered and been discharged, but they still return to the hospital frequently to receive follow-up care and nutritional support. BAM's donation included much needed formula for the underweight children, antibiotics used to treat many of the children suffering from pneumonia and a glucometer because the ward did not have one to check blood sugars on the patients.